rise up
英 [raɪz ʌp]
美 [raɪz ʌp]
上升; 升高; 升起; 站起来; 矗立; 耸立; 起义; 反抗; 造反; 升职; 升迁; 地位提高; 变得更成功
- → see:rise 1;2;5;13;15;18;19
- stand up on the hind legs, of quadrupeds
- The horse reared in terror
- come to the surface
- take part in a rebellion
- If the Chinese economists rise up to the challenge, they will contribute to the development of economics.
如果中国的经济学家们能够成长起来,迎接挑战,将会对经济学的发展做出巨大的贡献。 - You should tell your supervisor or boss that you want to be promoted and rise up that management ladder.
应该告诉你的上司或老板:你想得到提拔,登上管理者的阶层。 - Smite the loins of those who rise up against him; strike his foes till they rise no more.
那些起来攻击他和恨恶他的人,愿你刺透他们的腰,使他们不得再起来。 - However, when you reach out and offer a helping hand. I will gladly rise up for you.
不过当云儿伸出手来帮助我的时候,我愿意为你们而重新站起来。 - You may have noticed that the voices of politicians seem to change as they rise up the ranks.
你可能会注意到,政客升往高职时,他们的声音也随之改变。 - We are sinners and we continuously rise up.
其实我们一向是罪人,也时刻复活。 - 1808-Peninsular War: The people of Madrid rise up in rebellion against French occupation.
1808年的今天,半岛战争:马德里的人民举行了反抗起义,以反对法国对其的占领。 - But if some international powers intervene and do not let this happen, people will rise up again.
但是,如果一些国际力量干涉而不让这个理想实现,那么人民会再次起义。 - Tom stirred up a fight between Bob and Bill. He incited them to rise up against their generals.
汤姆挑动鲍勃与比尔打了一架。他挑动他们揭竿而起反抗他们的将军。 - He that lies down with Dogs, shall rise up with fleas.